
Speedily, securely and punctually to the destination

A cornerstone of our business. Only those who consistently maintain their logistics systems right up to date will succeed.

SALCO ensures expert, punctual deliveries to the customer. We work exclusively with shipping companies that specialise in the shipping of alcohol and foodstuffs.

Logistics facts

  • 0 mn +

    litres of pure alcohol supplied annually

  • 0 +

    deliveries per year

  • 0

    permanent locations in Europe


    in Germany, France, Italy and Austria


    in Germany, France, Italy and Scotland


We supply our products in the following containers:

Salco – high proof alcohol


(220 litres)

Salco – high proof alcohol


(1,000 litres)

Salco – high proof alcohol

Road tanker

(30,000 litres)

Salco – high proof alcohol

ISO container

(26,000 litres)

The minimum order quantity is 1,000 litres.